/ Wednesday, April 29, 2009
went to nigel's house just now and ate roti prata and lol its better than the tanah merah one, and maybe cheaper too. then did dumbells played with the baby cousins, and went home. later going running with my asics (:
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
1:28 AM
went to study at coffee bean at ehub with nigel chanel and abner, did finish all amaths and emaths papers, after that everyone was damn tired and damn sian but nigel had to just keep on going omg his endurance is great. i wonder how people can stand studying for so many hours in a row. after that abner went home and then nigel me and chanel walked to pasir ris park as we were sitting on our asses for 3 hours plus already, didnt even walk to the beach but reached a field of people playing soccer then we stopped there and decided to walk back. then said bye to chanel.
after that i went to nigel's house for dinner, tasted his grandma's damn nice curry omg. owns our school's stupid curry, i can eat that curry with rice alone man. ate a lot for dinner, then played with his cousins did dumbbells and went home.
oh and i have a new nickname that is embedded into the tiny minds of nigel's cousins, "su su teh teh" wtf
and we all learnt a very important lesson about racism and how we should not call others black as heard from the case study of mark thambiah HAHA
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
3:26 AM
/ Saturday, April 25, 2009
went to play tennis at esta with samuel, nigel abner and annabelle and i suck! get owned by everyone. after that went swimming for awhile then bathed and then took bus to astons but the queue was so long that we went to hong kong cafe to eat instead. and the food sucks, especially baked rice lol but the wan ton mee actually not bad. and the teh bing is very good.
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
8:13 AM
after school today went to tampines one with nigel and samuel to walk around and surprisingly uniqlo could be accessed, no more queue already. but inside was still relatively crowded, i see nothing really nice :/
and then after that walked around more and received an sms from someone, took mrt back to pasir ris and ended up eating macs at white sands. then took bus to nigel's house to slack around until it was time for samuel's tuition, then we left.
nike AF1 vs asics cumulus
a man met a woman at a bar. he walked up to her and asked for her name.
man:"what's your name?"
man:"that's a nice name, who named you, you or your mother?"
woman:"i named myself"
man:"why did you name yourself carmen?"
woman:"because i like cars and i like men. what's your name?"
man : "beerfuck."
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
3:27 AM
/ Thursday, April 23, 2009
nice one ms trina tan ker wei now the whole singapore knows about this blown up matter about a bunch of VS boys not clearing trays.
what a smart move, 55 people have commented on the article thus far and thousands more are talking about it. and i heard she has even posted an apology but i cant find it. many well known victorians have also posted comments on the article, most amusing to read. this has been the topic that everyone has been talking about for the past few days, i hope she is enjoying the stuff she is reaping from this little comment about us.
have fun.
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
12:59 AM
/ Tuesday, April 21, 2009
oh yes, i just remembered that they issued us new ez link cards today, everyone was excited to see what kind of new card they would give us and HAHA what a joke. the quality was like cardboard, much worse than the old one, as if it would break any time. and the picture is also screwed up, they used primary 6 picture so most of us look like crap, back to the old days. maybe the only person i know whose picture was better is maybe kent (:
about the clearing-of-trays, regrettably that group of VS boys didnt clear the trays but they shouldnt affect the whole school although i havent read that article yet but this particular line.
"If the younger generation cannot master basic manners, I do not care if they are winning academic awards around the world as far as I am concerned, they are failures." oh ho.
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
3:43 AM
today, at bio class.
we were once again throwing white strings all around the class today to irritate people, and it just so happens that mr gabriel saw me doing it.
gabriel:"what is that ghostly thing flying around?!" -frowns and tries to catch it in mid air
thambiah:"sir its our class spirit! dont confiscate our class spirit!"
everybody else:" YA LOR"
gabriel: -finally catches the flying thread and puts it into his pencil box, "confiscating it".
after school, there was no geog remedial so nicholas chan, ashley, andres, matthew, terrance, johnson and me went to parkway to eat lunch, ate macs because kfc was under renovation.
ate already then went to borders to read some books was reading and laughing very happily at some joke books there when zhen wei called and oh no english remedial started at 4 not 4.30 so we rushed back and arrived at 4.20.
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
4:32 AM
/ Saturday, April 18, 2009
went to study early in the morning at nigel's house, tried doing amaths paper but it was so hard that i could only do very few questions. after 2 hours, walked back home to get the money from my mom to buy running shoes, ate lunch bathed then went to the bus stop to sit nigel's uncle's audi a4 . and i think that was the fastest car i have ever sat in, went from 0-100 in about 4 or 5 seconds and i was pushed back into the seat. if that was fast to me i wonder what a gtr would be like.
after that we dropped off at tampines mrt and took mrt all the way to queensway, a very long ride. reached queensway after a bus ride and went in to look around, ate the katong laksa there. saw a shoe that i liked, but walked around some more before buying it. we went to the hip hop shop, walked around and looked in most of the shops then finally went to buy our stuff and left.
stopped at macdonalds there, sat awhile and ate then took mrt to lakeside where we met nigel's mom who sent us to his uncle's house, sat there and played with bakugan for awhile then left after hearing his primary 1 cousin play the piano. sat the uncle's car to jurong point, damn crowded there the cars couldnt even move. then ate din tai fung (:
watched them make their own cake for miguel's birthday.
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
8:08 AM
i finally did it, got a new pencilbox somewhere inside a cupboard from my house, so we could continue the destruction and transformation of my fomer pencilbox into small white pieces of thread which we could throw around the classroom to irritate people during lessons.
that is my pencil box before we found out it contained strings, untouched and clean. However after a few weeks,
oh no, oh well at least i got a new pencil box which has the definition of cool written all over it.
after school supposed to go with pri school friends with kent seah to tampines one, but turned out charissa suddenly couldnt make it so oh well i went to follow kent to the table tennis table in our school to watch them play table tennis, soon after nigel samuel abner and the rest came, waited for ernest lim and we ended up going to far east plaza instead.
we walked until our feet ached more than running 2.4.
and tomorrow im going to queensway to get my asics hahaha.
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
7:32 AM
/ Wednesday, April 15, 2009
i am very happy that chinese oral is finally over today, but too bad its not the real one.
so we will have to go through the same thing over again a few months later, i hope i get an examiner like the one we had today, i actually felt more relaxed than if i were to do it with virgil as an examiner. sat and walked around in the classroom for 2 hours, wondering what the topic was about. tried playing cards to ease our boredom or calm ourselves down too.
now, i need 1) new headphones probably going to buy the ones at challenger i forgot whats the brand.
2) asics running shoes or any other good brand that can last for the next few years.
3) new pencilbox so that i can give the one i have now to ashley and junwei let them rip it up and play with it
4) dumbbells to train muscles
5) a more grown up wallet which is made of leather
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
3:14 AM
we had napfa 5 stations today, lucky for jun wei that he didnt need to run today but instead get injured doing pull ups (: i managed to get all Cs or above, it was especially funny watching ewan do standing broad jump but i shall not elaborate.
after that, english and then recess, came back for bio and a maths.
and i found out today that male perfumes actually have the same stuff that urine contains, "pheromones" to attract the opposite sex, so when you spray hugo boss you are actually peeing on yourself, wow.
and after that, stayed back for geog and then the very very extremely productive english remedial. i have never attended a remedial as productive as that one, really. at least we managed to get some laughs out of ewan, again.
now i really need running shoes if not i'll be doing everything in sneakers cos my nikes are falling apart ):
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
3:37 AM
after nigel came my house and teached me amaths, he went home and we went to ikea to buy some stuff. as usual me and yongquan have nothing to do so we played around like kids.
ate the salmon at ikea, tried the shrimp stuff too. no one liked it except me so i ate the rest.
oh no chinese oral on wednesday id better own.
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
6:43 AM
/ Saturday, April 11, 2009
tampines one
went to go and check out the new shopping mall that just opened opposite tampines mall, damn crowded man especially the escalators. but we were smart and took lift up, then slowly walk down (: looks quite good from the outside, but its actually quite cramped on the inside. apart from all the people pushing, i can imagine what it would look like even without anyone, and its still very small. but quite a lot of shops.
view from the top.
we are on the escalator down, they are trying to go UP.
then, after looking around awhile in the mall we went outside to eat as the tiny damn kopitiam was too small. and saw this fire-performer at the mrt outside well, performing with fire. and he even had a disciple who was whiter than him i guess because he didnt get burnt enough yet.
this is the disciple.
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
12:06 AM
/ Thursday, April 9, 2009
english oral today, surprisingly didnt screw up because i was damn nervous, lucky to get mdm aw instead. waited in the waiting room along with everybody else, i changed place to in front of hamza luckily if not the waiting would kill me. so i went 3rd after junwei and liwei.
and it went well except my reading was the worst part, weirdly. if i read better i think could have gotten all first row heh. oh well this is only prelim orals, not even the real o levels haha so too bad. now im scared of chinese oral. on wednesday. oh man ):
oh and tampines one opens today, i am thinking of going there see what they have it looks quite big. bigger than tm?
/you're the only thing that makes my heart melt.
3:47 AM